The City of Temecula requested a proposal for their Imagination Workshop Children’s Museum
from Exhibit Design/Build company C I N N A B A R. The Conceptual Design Development and
Presentation were turned over to Chris Warnock. The museum wanted a design based on their
character Professor Pennypickle, a wacky time-traveling scientist and inventor. The exhibit
was to be the Professor’s Workshop, and would focus on physical science using forces, machines,
and/or inventions relating to mechanical power.
The Professor is looking to create a vehicle powered by PHYSICS He has left
several experiments in his workshop for visitors to discover and interact with. From his
workshop filled with both low and high tech items, it’s clear that the Professor is very clever,
but also has a whimsical side, as revealed by his personal notes and unique observations.
Lighter Than Air Engine I’ve discovered that when I place a light bulb under my
pinwheel, the blades spin like an engine. This could be useful on my experimental
vehicle. I wonder what it is about the light bulb that generates this force. I’ll perform
more tests later. I just burned my pinkie finger. Ow! That light bulb gets hot! – P.P.
Mixed-Up Magnet Motor When is a magnet not a magnet? When it gets hot!
When certain magnetic materials are heated to a certain temperature, they
loose their magnetic properties. I have begun an experiment that combines this
principle with the effects of gravity to create a small “motor”. It’s nothing
that can propel a vehicle…at least not yet! – P.P.
Balancing Butterfly Bell Jar Only one of my pet butterflies is able to
balance by her nose on a tiny perch. Her center of gravity keeps her from falling.
This could be important in keeping my experimental vehicle properly balanced. – P.P
Mini Float-O-Matic Is it illegal to break the law…of gravity? By placing a magnet
between two sheets of metal that repel magnets, I’ve set up a stable field that seems to
cancel the effect of gravity. Perhaps I can use this to make my experimental vehicle fly! – P.P.
Pennypickle’s Pulley Power Are pulleys really machines? Let’s put them to work.
I like to avoid heavy lifting when I can, so I strung up some pulleys in different
configurations to see which way works best. Maybe I won’t have to hire an assistant
to carry my boxes up to the attic after all! – P.P
The Stubborn Spinner When trying out different wheels for my experimental vehicle,
I noticed something. After I stopped a water-filled wheel from spinning, it started up again
all on it’s own! Need to see what’s going on here…hope I don’t get too dizy! – P.P.