The core idea of The Microscopic World Exhibit is that big things are made up of smaller things.
Every aspect of this exhibit reinforces that concept through design, graphics, and interactives.
All design work, graphics, installation, and much of the fabrication was provided free to the Museum.

Hands-on interactives challenge visitors to look closer at the world around them.
A display of pin toys let’s kids make impressions of objects formed from hundreds of pin heads.
Large photos display images of objects seen through traditional and scanning electron microscopes.

Bold colors, compelling graphics, and imagery draw visitor’s attention to exhibit
elements. Upon closer examination, interactive displays helps convey content based on the
California Content Standards. A seemingly simple photo holds surprises when viewed close up.

Tiny images from throughout the exhibit make up a larger mosaic image.
Read an article about this exhibit from the Ventura County Star.

Plant and animal cells are likened to Lego-type building blocks.
An interactive display challenges kids to differentiate between the two.
Visitors press the button to reveal the answer under black light illumination.

DNA and the Scientific Process are the subjects of additional interactives.
DNA is represented as a series of recipe cards. A reach-in “lab cabinet” lets kids
assemble parts to match the DNA scientific model or experiment with other forms.

A working digital microscope gives visitors a truly close-up look at everyday objects.
An object placed under the microscope appears magnified on the large color monitor.